Why Silicone Rubber?
Dentsleeve has pioneered the use
of silicone rubber for manometry catheters. Silicone rubber is a
durable yet flexible material able to withstand high temperature
sterilization processes. In the clinical setting this translates
to effective infection control without exposure to harmful chemicals,
and unparalleled patient comfort due to flexibility.
The Sleeve Sensor
The sleeve sensor is used in evaluations of sphincter function.
In contrast to other methods, the sleeve sensor measures sphincter
relaxation reliably and sphincter pressure continuously. This provides
a more complete picture on which to base a treatment plan. No other
device with capabilities equivalent to the sleeve has yet been developed.
Catheter Care
Dentsleeve catheters are made from
durable silicone rubber. To get
the full life out of your catheter, follow these catheter care instructions.
Cleaning & Sterilisation
Proper cleaning and sterilisation is important for reliable catheter
function and most of all for patient safety. Immediately after use
catheters must be thoroughly cleaned by flushing to remove matter
from the channels. Once the catheter is properly cleaned it can
then be sterilised. Dentsleeve catheters
are designed and validated for autoclaving as this method avoids
the use of dangerous chemicals such as glutaraldehyde and provides
a superior level of sterilisation. For details on cleaning and sterilisation
please see the following PDF.
Intubation Guide
In patients with motor disorders, intubation can be a challenge.
The following PDF provides advice on different techniques and catheter
features to overcome these potential difficulties.
How to Unblock Channels
By following our cleaning and sterilisation instructions and methods
for keeping unused channels clear during procedures you should have
little trouble with blockages. However, if you do encounter a blockage,
follow the instructions in the following PDF.